
The Secret to your Secretary’s Happiness

Your right hand (wo)man.

You eyes. Your ears. Your time keeper. Your coffee maker. Your errand runner. Your excuse maker. Your call screener….the list goes on and on….

She (or He) makes your daily work life easier, and probably does things of her/his own accord, to make things just that little bit better around the office for everyone…..but especially you.

What would you do without Her (or him)?

And how can you possibly show your gratitude?

Secretaries day as it once was called, is now known as Administrative Professionals Day, a more PC version that covers the variety of roles within the office. It is celebrated in Australia on the first Friday of May of each year, and the over the years, has become one of the largest workplace observances worldwide.

The idea of Administrative Professional day was born of Mary Barrett and C.King Woodbridge who at the time were serving on a US council addressing the shortage of skilled office workers. The First National Secretaries day took place in the first week of June in 1952, before the observed date was changed to the last full week of April in 1955. The name was then changed to Professional Secretaries Week in 1981, and became Administrative Professionals Week in 2000 to encompass the expanding responsibilities and wide-ranging job titles of administrative support staff.

IAAP ((International Association of Administrative Professionals) created National Secretaries Week initially with two main objectives; firstly to acknowledge “the secretary, upon whose skills, loyalty, and efficiency the functions of business and government offices depend,” and secondly to bring attention “to the tremendous potential of the secretarial career.”

The event takes place worldwide on different dates and is celebrated through various community events, social gatherings, and individual corporate activities recognising the office support staff with gifts. It is a day on which you give one’s assistant gifts including but not limited  flowers, chocolate, gift vouchers, massage vouchers, lunch or even time off. The International Association of Administrative Professionals also suggests considering gifts to further educate your support staff by providing training opportunities and flexibility with work hours.

Know an office professional that deserves a reward or acknowledgement for all their hard work? You can order online from our extensive range. I’d hate to imagine what would happen if your secretary was forgotten, it may be quite the disincentive…..uh oh



How many cuppas do you owe? This big one, has got to count for some!

Gorgeous posy of flowers made in an oversized tea cup.


You’ve got all bases covered with this perfect package:

Pretty posy, Ecoya candle and Chocolates make a perfect gift for your office Professional


Maybe a Healthy treat is more their thing:

A healthy alternative to chocolate or candy, a fresh basket filled with seasonal fruits is a lovely gift idea.


Long lasting, wild and free pretty much sums up this person?

Gorgeous native flowers are long lasting making this arrangement a great gift that the recipient can enjoy and enjoy.

Whether it is something big or small, the key to Administrative Professionals Day is to simply take time to reflect on the great work that is taking place around you every minute in your office. The people that keep the wheels in motion. who follow up, when you forget.

This Administrative Professionals Day, May 1st, REMEMBER not to forget them!

Fwf x


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