Happy New Year to all our wonderful customers. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to sharing a happy, prosperous year together in 2015

New Beginnings- Bringing health, wealth and prosperity to your life in 2015 with Indoor Plants

New Year brings with it the feeling of fresh starts and an enthusiasm to try new things with revitalised energy. It is a time to put to bed the year behind us, its lessons learned and troubles, and to begin thinking about what it is we see in our future: to plant the seeds of our future if you like.

The idea of Feng Shui in its essence is that everything is made up of energy, and that our home therefore is a space made up of energy fields that have either a positive or negative influence. Ideally beginning the New Year would first include a thorough cleanse and de-clutter, and a ‘space clear’ in terms of energy. To have ‘Good Feng Shui’ in your home also means having a home with a sense of beauty so this means getting your home to a stage where you are proud, keeping it clean, clear and organised and decorating with items that your adore or remind you of those whom you love.

Didn’t find any new connections came into your life over the passed year in terms of love matches or friendships? No new opportunities presented themselves to you? Looking for a new job or yearn for an exciting adventure to somewhere exotic? Want to shed those unwanted kilos but just can’t seem to stay on track with your diet? Some believe that Feng Shui may well be your answer. The Ancient Chinese philosophy aims to create a harmonious environment for everyone by using symbols (or cures), as well as shapes or colours, and also looks at the placement of furniture to better influence the energy within a space.

Fresh flowers are often used in Feng Shui but equally as important as cut flowers are indoor house plants. Aside from making the space more attractive, did you know that houseplants improve the quality of air in your home? Here, we have included three house plants that are sure to make your home feel fresh, abundant and bring happiness and (hopefully) prosperity.

Lucky Bamboo: 

Whilst the name suggests that this is a bamboo plant, technically, this attractive lush green plant is from the dracena family and is not related to bamboo at all. Lucky bamboo in a Feng Shui sense, is used to represent bamboo instead. Bamboo grows abundantly in Asia, is upright and straight (desirable personality traits) and is hollow, thus represents having a hollow humble heart.

It is often recommended that 2 stems are placed in a vase in the relationship zone of your bedroom to symbolise a harmonious union with your current partner.

Lucky bamboo is super easy to care for, and thrives in vases of clean water, in soil or in rocks. In keeping with positive Feng Shui, it is ideal to choose straight pieces rather than the curly ones that are available, which instead represent a spiraling downward energy. Yikes!


phale plant, potted plant, orchid plant, florist with flowers, fresh flowers, send plant sydney, sydney florist, carlingford florist
Florist with Flowers source amazing varieties of orchids locally.

Orchids are an attractive flowering plant that comes in many varieties and a kaleidoscope of colours. They flower throughout the whole year (depending on the variety) and are an economical way of adding colour and vibracy to your home. More than that, Orchids release oxygen at night, so help you get a better nights rest.

From a Feng Shui perspective orchids are used to attract a new partner, so they are best placed in the relationship zone of your bedroom (far back right corner). By positioning an orchid there, it is believed you will attract an honorable, honest partner. Florist with Flowers sources a variety of orchids throughout the year from local growers. To see what is available now, check out our plant range.

Crassula Jade Plant:

potted plants, send plant sydney, sydney florist, carlingford florist, money tree, crassula jade, coral jade plant,
The Money Tree is an ideal gift for house warmings or shop openings. Know someone who is moving in the new year? Florist with Flowers can help

The Coral Jade (or Crassula Jade) plant is often referred to as the Money Tree. It is widely used in Feng Shui in China and more recently in the western world to encourage wealth and prosperity. The energy of the money plant comes from its well-rooted, vibrant energy seen through new growth. These plants are incredibly easy to look after and can flourish even indoors in artificial light for long periods of time.

These make great gifts for new shop openings or a house warming. Know someone who is on the move or starting a new business venture this year? Check out our range.

Generally speaking in Feng Shui, plants with soft, rounded leaves are preferred as it is believed they offer a softer more gentle energy. That is not to say that if you have plants with spiky sharp leaves or needles you need to give them away, just bear this in mind when choosing new additions to your home.

A word of warning: whilst living plants and fresh flowers bring good Feng Shui, by contrast, vases of dead flowers, or dead plants have the opposite effect. If your plants are not doing well, do your best to remedy this. Too often plants are killed with kindness and are over watered. The best way to avoid this is to simply place one finger down into the soil bed and feel the consistency. If it is damp or moist, leave it for a couple more days.

So, whilst you sit, glass in hand, jotting down your new years’s resolutions tonight and contemplate the year ahead, spare a thought for your withering plant on the kitchen windowsill and the vase full of flowers on the table left over from Christmas lunch. For good luck and prosperity for the year ahead, it may be worth, cleaning the vase and watering the pot plant before falling into bed!

Fwf x






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12 Ways to Christmas ~ DIY Craft for the Festive Season – PART III

The COUNTDOWN is certainly on! Christmas is getting closer, and by now your house looks beautifully dressed, your gifts are bought and wrapped and they are sitting untouched underneath your beautiful paper or wooden tree! Right?

So now comes the mad dash to the grocery shop with a shopping list more fitting to feed a small nation or buying supplies for Armeggedon than entertaining the family and having supplies the two days that the shops are actually closed for……Or is that just me?

In our final installment of D.I.Y Crafts for the festive Season we are focusing on eye catching, ways to turn your table into a festive feast. Everything here looks good enough to eat, and you can! Isn’t that the best part of Christmas afterall?  I encourage you all more than ever before to give these ones a go, or at least taste test them before putting them on for your guests! There is more incentive in it than just eating and drinking yourself merry too. Remember we have $200 worth of FLOWERS with Florist With Flowers up for grabs for all you crafty critters! Be inspired by our blog, create a Christmas masterpiece, post it to our facebook wall, or tag us (@floristwithflowers) on Instagram and you will be in the running! The image that receives the most likes in total will win a $200 credit with Florist With Flowers (for delivery within SYDNEY ONLY) so get your friends involved, invite them to like our page, follow us and vote for your creations to increase your chances!!!

9. Finger foods

Creative Christmas Treats - Kiddology. OMG there are literally hundreds of holiday treat ideas on this pi! Love them all ❤️
This fun and tasty wreath of wrapped frankfurts was found on buzzfeed.com
A great healthy snack that still has the holiday spirit for your ugly christmas sweater party!
Clean and Scentsible have a great little idea here with their Grinch fruit kebabs. How cute!

Fingerfoods are a great way to kick off celebrations and keep things less formal whilst guests mingle. Both these ideas are great for everyone including the kids, so they are an ideal treat to take to the office, a party, kindy or playgroup Christmas get together.

10. Cheese platter starter or finale

Saw this somewhere on FB . Sorry can't remember who posted it. Great idea! Fun for Christmas.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this festive feature of vegetables, fruits and cheeses that can be adapted depending on your guests tastes that we found on Fitzness’ blog.

In my single days, my idea of a good time was a wedge (or two!) of triple cream Brie and a bottle of wine. It needn’t be a special occasion, it could be a Wednesday, (in fact it usually was as that was my day off) and you would’ve found me sitting out the front of a friends place watching the world go by slowly but surely devouring too.much.cheese…..so this platter well, it speaks to me.

Undeniably, cheese is a great way to start or finish a party. The versatility of this concept is fantastic as the display can be altered to suit your guest’s desires: dried fruit, fresh fruit, soft cheeses, hard cheeses, flavoured cream cheeses, even nuts. The possibilities are endless. Don’t forget to include fresh herbs or edible fresh flowers like roses or nasturtiums too! (Just make sure they haven’t been sprayed with any chemicals!!)

I love the attention to detail in the way the top cheese wedge has been thoughtfully cut into a star to top the tree. Get creative….and enjoy the off cuts while you are at it!

 11. Cupcakes

Reindeer Cupcakes - Your Cup of Cake

26 DIY Christmas Treats Anyone Can Make!

Wreath Cupcakes - frosting, "Fruit by the Foot" bows and mini M&M's...Too cute! Wish I saw this before I decorated the cupcakes I made tonight!

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I feel silly singing carols about snow, or buying Christmas paraphernalia with snowmen, or pretending that eating turkey is a Christmas tradition here in Australia. Our ‘normal’ is cozzies under sun dresses or shorts, BBQ meat, or seafood, salads and ice cold beverages. Likewise, we aren’t tucking into pudding and although I have many friends that do, I’m thinking a trifle is the more likely dessert to be perched on our Christmas table, along with a selection of cupcakes.

The beauty of cupcakes is that they are portion controlled, come in their own wrapper (and therefore a plate is optional), and of course, they look AMAZING! We’ve included a few ideas here but don’t stop there. I’m thinking SANTA CUPCAKES; a red velvet cupcake, with butter cream icing, a large strawberry sitting upside down on top and a touch of butter cream on the very top. Add as many or as few details as you like. Show us your creations on our facebook page or tag us (@floristwithflowers) on Instagram

12. The Christmas Tree Centrepiece

#DIY this is perfect for a dessert table at Christmas! #Christmas #ideas

Every table needs a centrepiece, so why not have one you can eat? I love this fresh fruit conical display which features the seasons best, but don’t be limited to just this. I’m thinking a true crowd pleaser would involve CHOC DIPPED strawberries…..drool

So that is it from us this season. REMEMBER you still have a few days to get your entries in for a chance to WIN $200 worth of fresh flowers.

Best wishes for the rest of the festive season. May you have a full tummy, a brimming glass, a wonderfully Merry Christmas and a hopeful, prosperous start to the New Year. We thank you all for your support this year and look forward to servicing you again in 2015.

Fwf x






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12 Ways to Christmas ~ DIY Craft for the Festive Season – Part II

Welcome back to our blog and back to this weeks craft corner! We now come to our second part in our series, where we focus on adorning the home with handmade beauty and fun festive crafts. If you missed last weeks post, please take a peek, and try your hand at creating a wooden or paper Christmas tree, a wreath and some our #cuteasabutton Christmas cards.

For those of you who like more rustic and organic decorations, this week we have a unique take on a traditional Christmas wreath, exploring the idea of using tortured willow as your base. We are also looking at unique ways to create mementos of the year like time capsules decorations, adding a festive touch to candles and vases for use over the festive season and lastly, we look at some fun ways to create inexpensive gifts.

Remember we have $200 worth of FLOWERS with Florist With Flowers up for grabs for all you crafty critters! Be inspired by our blog, create a Christmas masterpiece, post it to our facebook wall, or tag us (@floristwithflowers) on Instagram and you will be in the running! The image that receives the most likes in total will win a $200 credit with Florist With Flowers (for delivery within SYDNEY ONLY) so get your friends involved, invite them to like our page, follow us and vote for your creations to increase your chances!!!

What better way to reward your efforts and decorate your home. So, without further ado, lets begin!

 5. Tortured willow ‘Peace’ wreath.

I love this concept because we often carry fresh tortured willow in store, and it is simple and understated. The trick here of course is to use only fresh willow as it is still ‘green’ and malleable so can be manipulated into your chosen shape. Once created, the willow will dry and become brittle so you will not be able to alter the design, but essentially it can be kept forever (or until you want to create something new). The colour of the willow will change over time as it dries: gradually getting darker.

The concept can easily be ‘tizzed up’ with baubles or decorative wire or fairy lights (as below) or kept fairly simple and elegant with a small cluster of pine cones or fresh/artificial flowers in the top centre…..

DIY Christmas decorations
C.R.A.F.T (Creating Really Awesome Free Things) is a great blog which features fantastic D.I.Y projects. This ‘Peace Wreath’ is just one of Jamie’s creations but she is a clever cookie and has many more ideas to share.

Wreaths are ideal for your homes entrance way, but don’t be limited to only hanging these beauties on the door. Equally as effective is a round wreath on a round table. Wreaths can be laid as a centrepiece on your table. Think red/white/green votive candles surrounding the wreath, or a large hurricane vase with pillar candle in the centre.

For those of you who don’t fancy trying your hand at wreath wrangling this year, fear not! Florist with Flowers also have in stock a range of special wreaths this year too, something for everyone surely.

Christmas flowers, christmas wreaths, sydney florist, christmas gift ideas sydney, carlingford florist,
Gorgeous wreath bases are available at Florist with Flowers.

6. Handmade Decorations

Everyone loves a handmade decoration right? In our house, each year we purchase a special decoration as well as craft one, and this year, I’m giving this ribbon piece a go! Using just a selection of scrap ribbons, a stick and some twine, they are simple and effective!

Ribbon Tree Homemade Christmas Ornaments
Gorgeous decoration made with scraps of ribbon, a twig and some twine. How easy is that? Inspiration courtesy of Fireflies and Mudpies.
Christmas tree, to comply with the need for a piece of ribbon, beads and a needle and thread.
These gorgeous Christmas tree ornaments by Stars Inspirations are simple to create using just a piece of ribbon, a needle and thread and beads.

But don’t stop there, every family has their own story so why not give these designs some thought too and create a piece for your 2014. Was there a new addition to the family? Did someone start school?  Or finish their final exams? Did you lose someone special? Or have an amazing holiday away together collecting seashells along an isolated beach somewhere exotic? The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!

large clear ornament the little hat from the hospital ID bracelets name bead bracelet how cute!
Create a unique ‘time capsule’ style ornament like this one by Thrifty Crafty Girl that captures the essence of a special event or time in your life.

7. Perfectly Peppermint- Candy Cane Craft

One thing that is synonymous with Christmas for me is those sickly sweet candy canes. I don’t eat them, but I still buy them….

So when I stumbled across these brilliant ideas to craft with them, well, I just had to share!

Below you will find innovative ways to make simple and festive items for your home or for gifts which will cost you less than a cup of coffee! Can you believe that? At about a $1 a bag, this has to be the thriftiest way to create a Christmas piece.

If you like to get busy with your hands and craft your colleagues or neighbours something small, here, we have a wreath, a vase, and a candle concept that may well be the ticket. As the candle burns and the exterior is warmed, the fragrance of peppermint will fill your home. Try experimenting with different colours and flavours if you want to achieve different results.


Candy Cane Wreath DIY...I think I would put a snowflake or snowman or something in the middle but this could be cute on an interior door
Simple red and white wreath made with 2 packets of candy canes thanks to Recipes and Me.
Want to decorate a pot? Well, just tape some Candy Canes on, and slap a bow, and say, "Merry Christmas!"
We found this idea on Riley Jo Justesen’s blog and what a quick, easy and effective way to make a centrepiece! I would say you will need about 4 packets of candy canes for this one, but it really will depend on the size vase you choose.


Hot glue gun peppermint candles to an unscented or vanilla candle. When the candle is burning, your home will smell like peppermint!
Add festive flair and fragrance to your candles or create gorgeous gifts by hot gluing candy canes or peppermints to the exterior of the candle. We found this fantastic idea thanks to College Lifestyles- Dressed for the holidays series.

8. Give your presence not presents- D.I.Y gift ideas

24 Quick and Cheap DIY Christmas Gifts Ideas [ PropFunds.com ] #gifts #funds #saving... for Kevin!
Check out this feative gift idea for dads, brother in laws, and brothers thanks to Life of a Modern Mom. Brilliant! The gift can be personalised by selecting a brew suitable for the recipient, and the bottles are easily transformed by wrapping a brown pipe cleaner around the top under the cap.
 Maybe because I am a woman, I find men harder to buy or create for. Am I alone? I don’t think so somehow, given that even Target’s new ad focussed on kids getting costumes, mum getting home wares and dad ending up with a hair/beard trimmer. How exciting! Poor buggers!

This concept can be personalised for each recipient by choosing their preferred beverage, and what a cute way to add some Christmas cheer to a simple gift concept.

OMGeeeeee!!!!! I love it!! This is it, for real ~ this year's Christmas gift for parents! :D
Well if this isn’t the perfect D.I.Y present for grandparents this Christmas then I’ll be damned! Grandkidlets little paw prints all over this frame, with the accompanying picture and date/year. What could be better? No seriously….

Now every grandparent I know loves something from the kiddies, whether it be a bit of craft, or a smiling picture in a frame for the mantle. So this has to be the PERFECT gift idea right? Combining both elements into one design, this is something fun and easy to do with the kids, and grandma and pa will LOVE it.

Ok, so I think that should keep you busy for the next week until our final installment.  We can’t wait to see your willow wreaths, decorations, #candycanecraft and handmade gifts flooding in this week on Facebook and Instagram. Only two weeks to #getyourcrafton and get your entries into to WIN, so don’t delay….GET BUSY!

Til next time, get creating,

Fwf x


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12 Ways to Christmas ~ DIY Craft for the Festive Season – PART I

Welcome to Florist With Flowers D.I.Y HQ and to PART 1 of a 3 part series getting you ready for Christmas with FUN, CREATIVE ways to get into the festive spirit making beautiful pieces for the home and gifts.

This year instead of simply surrendering to the consumerism that has so quickly become what we know of Christmas, why not try your hand at creating unique pieces that you keep for years to come. Like any creative being, we all here at Florist With Flowers love putting our hands to use making beautiful pieces both with fresh flowers as well as using a variety of other mediums to achieve amazing end products. Here, we have compiled a list of some of the projects we are undertaking this year!

We would LOVE to see what magic you can create too, so, take a picture of your creations inspired by this blog, upload it to our facebook wall, or on Instagram and just remember to tag us in it @floristwithflowers!

The image that receives the most likes in total will win a $200 credit with Florist With Flowers (for delivery within SYDNEY ONLY) so get your friends involved, invite them to like our page, follow us and vote for your creations to increase your chances!!!!

In this first part of this series lets start by getting the home ready for Christmas with your tree, sending out some Christmas cards, and a gorgeous wreath for your entrance. #gettingreadyforchristmas

Just curious, when do you like to get your Christmas tree up? For our family, its December 1st, but I have many friends who got started back in November and others who are yet to give it a second thought.

1. Wooden Christmas Tree ***TREND ALERT***

Get creative and make something like this Stick Christmas Tree via La Lole Blog

Everywhere I look and every shop I pass this year is flaunting the oh-so-chic-wooden/drift wood Christmas tree. I love them. They kind of have this eco friendly, vintage, rustic, relaxed vibe going on and require very little tiz and sparkle!

If you fancy trying your hand at creating something unique like these, and certainly being on trend, this one is simple and requires nothing in the way of hand/electrical tools, just a keen eye for space, scale and design :-) Take a walk to your local park and hunt and gather!

If the idea of collecting sticks sounds more like the starts of a rough and ready weekend away camping, and not your idea of fun at all, lucky for you Florist with Flowers has in stock a gorgeous wooden tree right on trend.

christmas gifts, sydney florist, christmas gift ideas, carlingford florist
Florist with Flowers has gorgeous driftwood trees perfect for your table top

2. Space saving paper wall christmas tree

holiday with matthew mead, holiday paper tree diy
Create a Gorgeous paper wall tree inspired by Matthew Mead’s version here.

Last year I created something based on this concept, which could actual be quite an eco-friendly option should you choose to recycle last years Christmas card, but I had less focus on eco friendliness and more on colour coordination! I think the florist in me was too worried about the aesthetics and focused more on how pretty it would look rather than the recycling angle. Whoops! Bit of a lost opportunity there…. In any case, it is a great concept for families with small children where a traditional Christmas tree with glass baubles, tinsel etc would not be appropriate and/or dangerous! It is equally as attractive an option for those who are space poor, and the benefit is that it is not costly to create- simply choose a selection of coordinating wrapping papers and get started!

3. Handmade Christmas Cards

Homemade Christmas cards by Shar4Hoos
DIY has never been cuter! Create simple cards with button features like these ones by Shar4Hoos which we found on the terrific blog Heart 2 Home.

I don’t know about you but I remember my mum thinking handmade cards were the greatest, so each year I would diligently fashion some sort of masterpiece that she has treasured for years. Now, don’t get me wrong, not every person on your Christmas card list has a card shrine dedicated to you locked away in a cupboard, but many will enjoy the creativity and the surprise of seeing and feeling something unique before their eyes. This #cuteasabutton card is perfect for a simple way to start and the possibilities are endless- think holly with red button berries and hand drawn leaves, christmas trees made in simple green triangular formations perhaps with a yellow button on top or hand- drawn reindeers with red button noses…….

4. Make a ribbon wreath

diy ribbon wreath
Make an entrance!!! Create a custom piece for your front door that matches your colour scheme and says something about your sense of style. Thanks to DIY Cozy Home for inspiring us!

I remember making a bazillion wreaths like this one many years ago but using white glad plastic bags cut into strips. The benefit of using a plastic over fabric is obviously that it doesn’t fade, is water resistant/proof and stores well (no moth balls required!). There are limitations to that of course in terms of colour, so if you want to create something a little more festive try choosing Christmas themed fabrics, or ribbons in your preferred colour scheme and away you go!

So, there you have it, just a few ideas to get those creative juices flowing, so let’s get started!!! We can’t wait to see what you can come up with and will be sharing our own creations with you too. In the meantime, if you are still looking for gift ideas or need fresh flowers for your home for the season check out our gorgeous Christmas range.

Til next time, get creating,

Fwf x

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